Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Before the First Snowfall, Winter view from the Studio

My view of the Mississippi River from the studio.
The leaves have fallen and soon the river will freeze over.
I love how this view is everchanging with the seasons.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Gabbi visits the Studio

My niece Gabbi came all the way from North Dakota to visit Aunty Nancy in the studio.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

"The Sensitive Plant" Percy Byssye Shelly, 1820

I forgot to include this lovely poem that Susan included in my feature at

A Sensitive Plant in a garden grew
And the young winds fed it with silver dew
And it opened its fan-like leaves to the right

And closed them beneath the kisses of night.

My Ceramics featured in Beautiful new blog  Check out this thoughtful new blog by fellow artist Susan Ruvolo. Lets all follow her and make her day.  She is working hard to promote her fellow artists!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

I Dreamed I Saw

This is a lovely site that has featured my work twice.  Check it out if you have time. They just showed my "Thousand Petal Vase".

Monday, November 23, 2009

Tulip Vase

My Tulip Vase made it to a gift guide on Etsy!!!.  The guide is titled "Gifts for $100 and under"

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Etsy Finds, New Kids on the Block

Yeah!!!!! I was just chosen to be included in the storque blog on etsy called "New kids on the Block" that is featuring artists who have been on etsy for six months or less.My peach "Lotus Vase " was included.

Beautiful Fall Day"

Way to nice to stay indoors!  Off to rack leaves!

Monday, November 2, 2009

Hosta Plate enlarged numerous requests I have finally enlarged this Hosta Plate to 12"x9 1/2'x4". A more usable size for using in the kitchen, a centerpiece, etc.

My husband took this great photo for me this weekend.  Thank you husband!!!

Friday, October 30, 2009

October's Party

"October gave a party;
The leaves by hundreds came-
The Chestnuts,Oaks and Maples,
And leaves of every name.
The Sunshine spread a carpet,
And everything was grand,
Miss Weather led the dancing,
Professor Wind the band.  -George Cooper, "October' Party"

Wednesday, October 28, 2009


"Every Leaf Speaks Bliss to me, Fluttering From the Autumn Tree"
Emily Bronte -Author/Poet

I just found this lovely little poem!

Sunday, October 25, 2009


Just found this photo of Candleholders from my former days of doing art fairs. Boy,was I productive! That must be why my wrist hurts!

Friday, October 16, 2009

Spirit of Giving

I was just featured on this blog as their "Friday Find"  Thank you Spirit of Giving

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

The REAL life of a studio potter!

The end of a long day.  I had been glazing pots all day. It was evening..I was tired...I was hungry...I was rushing to finish.  That is when you make mistakes.  I did not screw the glass container on tight enough to the spray gun.  It fell off, crashed on the floor...glaze flew all over , even up into my hair.  My darling husband ran and got the camera and said "Lets photograph what this studio life is really like !" It was just one of those days.  The glaze room is my least favorite room.  Other days in the sunlite, bright part of the studio will make up for it.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

My kitchen

Could not resist photographing all of this beautiful garden bounty.

New Work!

This is my same "Twinning Leaf series" in color.  They are a real departure for me as I tend to prefer softer,quieter colors. I like them alot must be the influence I see out my studio window right now.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Simpily Hue Blog

Take a look at this wonderful blog or go to They have featured my work and done a very beautiful job. Thank you Simply Hue!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Summer Vacation Guests at the Studio

My sister Betty (long hair),myself and my niece and nephew visit the studio. Every year they make me new Kiln Gods

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Try Handmade just featured my work. Thank you Ericka at Try Handmade

Saturday, August 22, 2009


Apartment Therapy New York has included my Hosta Plate in their "All things Botanical" feature. Thank you Apartment Therapy!

PlainCraft top ten

My Thousand Petal Vase just made it to PlainCraft.coms top ten rating. Yeah!

Friday, August 21, 2009

Messy blog

Hi everyone...anyone
I decided it is time to apologize for my messy and confusing blog. It is entirely due to my lack of techiness. I really am much better in the studio then in front of a computer. BUT, I plan to have my very techy niece over to help me overhaul this blog. Thanks for being patient

Thursday, August 20, 2009

LaCrosse Magazine feature article

I am very excited to be chosen to be featured in
this local publication.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Summer Vacation.....My super coolest nephew Noah visits the studio.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Can you see this>>>

I was reviewed by chicago's Newcity Art!!!
If you cannot read the highlighted section it says=

Other works of interest= "Nancy Monsebroten's highly detailed porcelain jar, a stunning example of a piece that makes no sacrifices to form or function."

The porcelain jar they mention is my Lotus Vase.

View from the studio

View of the Mississippi river from my studio. That sailboat belongs to my husband who has developed nautical narcosis over the years. (and he thinks I'm compulsive about all things ceramic.!!

Hi from the studio

I finally got a studio shot to include in my blogs. I know I like to see inside other artist studios.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Lotus Vase (Grandmas Perm)

I just unloaded the kiln and when I saw this piece it reminded me exactly of my Grandmas sweet, tight, curly permenant. I think I'll have to keep this one for myself.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Thousand Petal Vase

Although, this piece is extremely time consuming, the process becomes very meditative for me. The eight hundred to one thousand (no kidding, I counted) petals are individually shaped and attached to a wheel thrown base. The exterior is lightly glazed with a satin matte glaze for durability. The interior is glazed to be watertight.