Monday, March 5, 2012
FORWARD 2012 : A SURVEY OF WISCONSIN ART NOW is a juried exhibition of Wisconsin artists held at the Charles Allis Art Museum, Milwaukee WI
Only 60 artist were selected and I am thrilled to be included. My "Sea Flower" was chosen. Having this piece included has been a real family affair. First of all the
piece was inspired by my Grandmothers perm (long story) along with her love of flowers that she
shared with me. Then my sister in law found the entry information and encouraged me
to enter. Of course I made the work but my husband photographed and priced it, my sister named it and as I was on vacation during the due date my brother and sister
in law packed and shipped it. Another lovely connection is that my Dad had an Allis
Chalmers tractor. How lucky I am to be a part of all this energy.