Sunday, November 21, 2010

Kiva Loan 100% Funded!!!

Yes !!!!  The women I have been loaning money to through Kiva now has her Loan of $750 completely funded.  Francisca Quispe lives in an area of Peru where the annual household income is only $6715.  She is a mother of ten and fifty eight years old.  I choose Francisca because like me she is a potter.  She only requested the loan in order to buy pottery supplies to keep her business going.
I have been wanting to get involved with Kiva for a long time.  I finally have and find it to be a really wonderful organization for helping people who live in poor financial situations but want to work and develop their own business.  I like the one on one relationship rather then giving to a large organization.  It works for me ....and now I hope it will work for Francisca
See  how Kiva works at

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